I respectfully have to disagree (partially) with Sloppyjoe. It's not just the JWs who are losing steam in their numbers. Worldwide, religion is losing its grip both in the numbers of people who attend church and also in the watered down versions of peoples faith. Less people believe - and the ones that do believe are less dogmatic than ever.
With every generation since the 1930s, the number of believers only ever decreases within their generation. 90% were believers in their twenties - by the time their in their sixties only 80% will still be believers. In the US, the 'kids' born in the 80s those who identify as religious are only one in three. And all indications are every generation after them will be even less so.
The JWs level of growth has been dropping since the mid 80s. Right now, worldwide, its only growing at about 2.2%. Barely above the populatation growth rate. It's inevitable that eventually more people will start leaving or dying than are being recruited. It's not a matter of if but when. I think the WTBTS will be around for a long time. But their golden days of growth are long behind them.
They don't have a sustainable model and they know it. That's why their so desperate to try and rebrand themselves. Hopefully it will backfire.